Yesterday at around 9:45 after prayers we had a practice for our Christmas concert on Thursday. We got to see all the classes dancing and songs.The song we are doing is We Wish You a Merry Christmas. My favourite dance was Room ⅚ but it was fun watching all the classes doing their dance.
I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
The last week of school
The last week of school is always the best week and the worst week. The reason it’s the best week is because most people like just relaxing and being able to do whatever. The reason it’s the worst week is because you have to say goodbye to your teacher witch can be very hard at times. You also have to let go of the best times you have had in the year. You also have to say bye to all the people in the last year of your school. I knew more Year Sixes than Year Fives. So this year has been one of the best years ever. I wish this year would never end.
Monday, 10 December 2018
3D shapes
These are the 3D shapes we have been doing for last week. We learnt how to fold paper (with or without steps) in a way to make shapes like the ones above. Then we identified the features of the shapes, such as how many corners, how many edges, and how many faces. The cone has 2 faces, 1 corner and 1 edge.The triangular based prism has 4 faces, 4 corners and 6 edges.
dave dobbyn
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Christmas is my favourite time of year
Yes Christmas is almost here
Only 20 more days
The horses are excited for their overload of hay
I love a Christmas fair
I like reading
I recently read a book about leading
One about Santa
Drinking fanta
Tomorrow I’m going animal feeding
(Not really)
Why people should stop cutting trees
A Lot of people just hate it when other people cut trees when they don't even need wood!! People can understand that other people cut them for houses but that is the main point to cut trees otherwise just stop doing it. I believe that if we stop cutting trees the world would be a better place.
Pollution is also known as global warming which is very bad for the environment, animals and people. If we stop polluting the earth, the earth will become a better place.
The way pollution related to cutting trees is that with less trees there will be less fresh oxygen for us, as we all know that trees breathe in carbon dioxide while breathe out oxygen. The more trees exist the less serious pollution it will be. The trees are fighting the pollution to make the world a better place so stop cutting trees and help make the earth a better place.
The way pollution related to cutting trees is that with less trees there will be less fresh oxygen for us, as we all know that trees breathe in carbon dioxide while breathe out oxygen. The more trees exist the less serious pollution it will be. The trees are fighting the pollution to make the world a better place so stop cutting trees and help make the earth a better place.
If we stop cutting trees, animals will have more homes. Animals like orangutans live in the rainforest where there is a hotspot for lumberjacks and other companies that cut trees which has taken away orangutans homes. They are dying of habitat loss. This is another reason to stop cutting trees.
From here we can see there causes so many problems from cutting trees. I strongly believe that we should stop cutting trees.
How to be safe in water
Being safe in water is very important. Due to the fact that people are not swimming in the flags more and more people are drowning. I believe that we should swim in the flags so we can be water safe. Remember if lifeguards can’t see you, they can’t save you.
Currents. Now this is a problem. If you get caught in a current then it is practically impossible to swim out of! The lifeguards have jet skies to come and save you but if you don’t swim out of the flags, they won't have to come and save you. If you don’t know what a current is don’t worry I’ll tell you. A current is a strong bit of water that can pull you out to sea. So it’s quite scary to get caught in one but if you swim in the flags you won’t get caught in the current.
Currents. Now this is a problem. If you get caught in a current then it is practically impossible to swim out of! The lifeguards have jet skies to come and save you but if you don’t swim out of the flags, they won't have to come and save you. If you don’t know what a current is don’t worry I’ll tell you. A current is a strong bit of water that can pull you out to sea. So it’s quite scary to get caught in one but if you swim in the flags you won’t get caught in the current.
Waves, now, is another problem. Waves can push you under the water and pin you down. Most beaches are safe beaches and have normal size waves but some beaches are surf beaches. Surf beaches, if you didn't know, are beaches that have big waves. Now you may be thinking
‘So they are still beaches so we can swim whereever we want to’ but you are wong. Surfers need big waves to surf and if you think ‘ they can surf on small waves’ you’re wong. If you swim anywhere on a surf beach you might get hit by a surfboard witch would be bad. So if you swim in the flags you will be safe.
If you swim in between the flags you would be safe from currents, big waves, and stuff like that. There are no strong waves and no rips (AKA currents). Safety is a key thing at the beach. Sometimes there are no lifeguards at beaches because it is not a surf beach. But 9 times out of 10 at a surf beach there will be lifeguards.
As a result of not swimming in between the flags you could get injured or even worse drown. Being safe in water is very important. So swim in the flags to be safe waves.
‘So they are still beaches so we can swim whereever we want to’ but you are wong. Surfers need big waves to surf and if you think ‘ they can surf on small waves’ you’re wong. If you swim anywhere on a surf beach you might get hit by a surfboard witch would be bad. So if you swim in the flags you will be safe.
If you swim in between the flags you would be safe from currents, big waves, and stuff like that. There are no strong waves and no rips (AKA currents). Safety is a key thing at the beach. Sometimes there are no lifeguards at beaches because it is not a surf beach. But 9 times out of 10 at a surf beach there will be lifeguards.
As a result of not swimming in between the flags you could get injured or even worse drown. Being safe in water is very important. So swim in the flags to be safe waves.
Friday, 30 November 2018
I like reading
I recently read a book about leading
One about Santa
Drinking fanta
Tomorrow i’m going animal feeding
(Not really)
Music poster
This is the poster we did before we stated the passport. You had a big question and a few sub questions and then you had to present it on a poster and make it colourful and add some musical instruments and that was about it.
Friday, 16 November 2018
This is the “passport” we are doing this term. During inquiry we are looking at NZ music, its history and how it influences us. We need to aim to get 200 points by the end of the term. So far I have got… 0 points because I lost my passport. I have to ask my teacher to print out another one, hopefully she will be able to soon. If I did have the sheet now I would or should have 90 points. I’ve done one 40 point and one 50. It is quite easy but it's hard deciding on what to do as there are so many options.
Friday, 26 October 2018
My not awesome holiday.
In the holiday I went to the pools about 5 times. We went to the the movies 2 times! That was pretty much all I did in the holidays besides me playing on my Nintendo switch and watching YouTube but that doesn't count. (30% of my holiday was spent on a device and the other 70% “outside” ). That's what I did in the holiday not much, I know, but that was pretty much my holiday.
Kia Kaha Shield
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Term 3 review
This term we did a lot. It was one of my favourite terms so far. We did flowers and posters.It was my 20th post. I went on a holiday had a have very good time. My favourite part of Term 3 was getting to know my friends better and learning about what we're going to do at camp next year. Term 3 has been the best term so far.
Friday, 28 September 2018
How Bushwren Adapted to Its Environment
(another post by me ).
List of things I would like to do in the holidays
Be on my computer
Go to the pool
Go to the beach
Learn how to touch type fast
Go to the cinema
Go for a 20-50 km bike ride with my dad
Do nothing.
How to play Red Light, Green Light
One player is the caller and stands facing the other players. He or she calls out "Green light!" and the players run towards him or her. When the caller says "Red light" they stop. Any player who moves or takes another step after "red light" is called is out of the game. The last person standing wins and becomes the next caller. A bit like “What's the time Mr Wolf”.
My dad's bike got stolen
My dad's bike got stolen.
We think it's a man in a Holden.
So my dad has to walk, looking like a dork.
My dad's bike is Golden.
PS, this is not true but my dads bike did get stolen ( we think ):
We think it's a man in a Holden.
So my dad has to walk, looking like a dork.
My dad's bike is Golden.
PS, this is not true but my dads bike did get stolen ( we think ):
The best gaming console ( my opinion )
1. Nintendo switch. I think the Nintendo switch is a good gaming device because you can play offline. It's a portable device, designed for long car journeys.
2. PS4. I think is a PS4 is a good device especially for just relaxing and when you have nothing to do. The bad part about the PS4 is that it's a bit chunky and it's not portable.
3. And last but not least the Xbox. Xbox is not as chunky as the PS4 for the way you hold the controller because it is rounded so it's not my favourite. In some games the graphics can be really bad.
2. PS4. I think is a PS4 is a good device especially for just relaxing and when you have nothing to do. The bad part about the PS4 is that it's a bit chunky and it's not portable.
3. And last but not least the Xbox. Xbox is not as chunky as the PS4 for the way you hold the controller because it is rounded so it's not my favourite. In some games the graphics can be really bad.
The Lost Ship Pt1
Steven was just an ordinary man with a huge past.
Let's start from the beginning…
What had happened to cause such devastation? How could such a mighty, prestigious vessel have ended its journey in such a way? Was there any sign of the precious cargo that the ship had started its journey with? Where were the crew?
These were just some of the questions Steven was asking himself as he stared through the submarine’s porthole. Turning around he saw his diving gear, which was still wet from the morning exploration, and decided it was time to go and find answers.
One day Steven had decided to go on what might be the biggest ship that ever sailed on earth, the Titanic!
Let's start from the beginning…
What had happened to cause such devastation? How could such a mighty, prestigious vessel have ended its journey in such a way? Was there any sign of the precious cargo that the ship had started its journey with? Where were the crew?
These were just some of the questions Steven was asking himself as he stared through the submarine’s porthole. Turning around he saw his diving gear, which was still wet from the morning exploration, and decided it was time to go and find answers.
One day Steven had decided to go on what might be the biggest ship that ever sailed on earth, the Titanic!
So he went and got tickets a year before it sailed.
When the day finally arrived he showed the man at the ticket booth his ticket and got on the boat. When it set sail Steven was at the bow of the ship. he had already gone to his room and put the luggage away. He said goodbye to all his family members and hoped he would see them again soon.
After about 5 days at sea he noticed a strange smell coming from the kitchen of the Titanic. It was a like something was burning, he just thought that perhaps it was just some food that they were cooking left on a bit too long.
At about one in the morning he heard people shouting “what are they shouting about?” Steven thought to himself. He got up and got dressed and noticed that the boat was tipping forward a bit so he ran upstairs to the top of the ship and noticed there was a big black hole in the side of the ship. Steven reported it to the crew members and when they saw it they told the captain who immediately sounded the alarm which woke everybody up. Within 5 minutes the crew members started telling everyone to evacuate the ship immediately. They said there was a fire and they didn't deal with it because they thought it would be gone by now.
Just before they got everybody to the escape rafts everybody noticed the captain was going towards an iceberg accidentally because it was very foggy. Before the captain could turn the ship the iceberg hit right where the black hole was and normally it could withstand the iceberg but the metal was weakened because of the fire.
A German Army ship sailed by and they started to shoot cannonballs at the Titanic which made it sink even more. After that almost everybody got off onto the escape raft but there was no room for other people to go on so they had to hold onto the side of the ship. Steven was lucky he got a raft that was only big enough for one person. Steven was also very tired so he fell asleep and he started drifting out into the ocean.
When he woke up he noticed he was hitting something and it was land. Steven had crossed the Atlantic Ocean in one night and he was by a port in New York City. He did not know what happened to anybody else he just hoped they weren't dead.
He did not know what to do now that he found himself in a different country so first he went to find the police station to report what had happened. He asked people for directions and eventually he got there. He went up the stone steps and told the person who looked like he was in charge what had happened. Afterwards the policeman asked Steven for his details and then asked “By any chance do you know where the other people are” Steven just replied “no I don't sorry”.
After living in New York for a while he got a job as an underwater explorer and go to go on many explorations. Steven was chosen for one particular expedition……..
“We’re almost here” said the captain of the submarine “the Titanic - now Steven you should know about this place like the back of your hand after all you were chosen for this mission because you have sailed on the Titanic” “I wouldn't exactly say I know it like the back of my hand but I do know it fairly well” said Steven.
When they got there Stephen went straight to his diving gear then out the top of the submarine and into the Titanic. He went straight to his room on the Titanic to see if any of his stuff was still there and indeed it was. All his clothes and other stuff he had taken along with him were still there, so he gathered up all the stuff and went back to the submarine to put it under his bed. He went straight back down to help the other explorers to find out how the Titanic had sunk.
Now Steven did know but apparently there was more to just an iceberg the fire and the German Army ship…
When the day finally arrived he showed the man at the ticket booth his ticket and got on the boat. When it set sail Steven was at the bow of the ship. he had already gone to his room and put the luggage away. He said goodbye to all his family members and hoped he would see them again soon.
After about 5 days at sea he noticed a strange smell coming from the kitchen of the Titanic. It was a like something was burning, he just thought that perhaps it was just some food that they were cooking left on a bit too long.
At about one in the morning he heard people shouting “what are they shouting about?” Steven thought to himself. He got up and got dressed and noticed that the boat was tipping forward a bit so he ran upstairs to the top of the ship and noticed there was a big black hole in the side of the ship. Steven reported it to the crew members and when they saw it they told the captain who immediately sounded the alarm which woke everybody up. Within 5 minutes the crew members started telling everyone to evacuate the ship immediately. They said there was a fire and they didn't deal with it because they thought it would be gone by now.
Just before they got everybody to the escape rafts everybody noticed the captain was going towards an iceberg accidentally because it was very foggy. Before the captain could turn the ship the iceberg hit right where the black hole was and normally it could withstand the iceberg but the metal was weakened because of the fire.
A German Army ship sailed by and they started to shoot cannonballs at the Titanic which made it sink even more. After that almost everybody got off onto the escape raft but there was no room for other people to go on so they had to hold onto the side of the ship. Steven was lucky he got a raft that was only big enough for one person. Steven was also very tired so he fell asleep and he started drifting out into the ocean.
When he woke up he noticed he was hitting something and it was land. Steven had crossed the Atlantic Ocean in one night and he was by a port in New York City. He did not know what happened to anybody else he just hoped they weren't dead.
He did not know what to do now that he found himself in a different country so first he went to find the police station to report what had happened. He asked people for directions and eventually he got there. He went up the stone steps and told the person who looked like he was in charge what had happened. Afterwards the policeman asked Steven for his details and then asked “By any chance do you know where the other people are” Steven just replied “no I don't sorry”.
After living in New York for a while he got a job as an underwater explorer and go to go on many explorations. Steven was chosen for one particular expedition……..
“We’re almost here” said the captain of the submarine “the Titanic - now Steven you should know about this place like the back of your hand after all you were chosen for this mission because you have sailed on the Titanic” “I wouldn't exactly say I know it like the back of my hand but I do know it fairly well” said Steven.
When they got there Stephen went straight to his diving gear then out the top of the submarine and into the Titanic. He went straight to his room on the Titanic to see if any of his stuff was still there and indeed it was. All his clothes and other stuff he had taken along with him were still there, so he gathered up all the stuff and went back to the submarine to put it under his bed. He went straight back down to help the other explorers to find out how the Titanic had sunk.
Now Steven did know but apparently there was more to just an iceberg the fire and the German Army ship…
I need ideas:( :( :( :(
Finally the day is almost arrived - the end of school Term WOOOO.
But I don't have enough posts Noooo.
I can't think of posts x2 Nooooooo
What can I do? I can write poems? No I have too many already. A story? Will take too long. My life's problems? No then I’ll be so depressed. I couldn't think.
What can I do? I can write poems? No I have too many already. A story? Will take too long. My life's problems? No then I’ll be so depressed. I couldn't think.
I know!... I forgot :( well I guess I won't have 20 posts by tomorrow sorry teachers :(.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
sports :-/
I like sports
I wear shorts
When one rips
I have naked hips
I hate sports
calendar art
This is a picture of the calender art we have to do. Calendar art is where you draw something and it gets printed onto a calendar. This year we had to do a place in the world where you have either a place you've been to or where you want to go. This year we based our art on heather galler.
Flying butterfly
Chasing a guy
Why chase a guy
“I like pie”
Said butterfly
The guy was a lie
So was butterfly
Thursday, 13 September 2018
The bushwren
The Bush Wren is a small creature that roamed New Zealand until about the late 19th century when it became extinct.
The Bushwrens had olive green heads and they had a black beak and brown eyes with a white eyebrow strip. Their bodies had dark yellow with white feathers and their legs were a brown stickish colour.
The only authenticated reports of the North Island Bushwren since 1900 were from the southern Rimutaka Range.With probable sightings on June 13, 1949, near Lake Waikareiti. When they introduced mustelids and joined rats that killed the bushwren.
Bushwrens ate small moths, flies, beetles, insect larvae and spiders and did not fly much.
This bird shouldn't have gone extinct and should have flown away when it saw its predator. I hope scientists can bring back the the Bushwren.
Finn limerick
There once was a boy named Finn
Who was rather fond of a gin
His parents said no
He really must go
and put the wee boy in the bin
leopard limerick
During athletics day the kids of Good Shepherd
Got frightened one day by a Leopard
Who’d escaped from the Zoo
Wearing one shoe
And set the 100 meters record
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Mary Mackillop flower
This is a picture of the Mary
Mackillop flower we did when it was the feast day of Mary Mackillop.we could chose the words that relates to what Mary Mackillop did so my buddy and me chose…
Caring, trust, kind and respectful.
It was a fun day.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Global warming
Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep it’s pace. It's becoming clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives.
Global warming, also referred to as climate change, is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects. Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming.
Climate change (or global warming), is the process of our planet heating up. The Earth has warmed by an average of 1°C in the last century. Although that might not sound like much, it means big things for people and wildlife around the globe.
Unfortunately, rising temperatures doesn’t just mean that we’ll get nicer weather – if only! The changing climate will actually make our weather more extreme and unpredictable. As temperatures rise, some areas will get wetter and lots of animals (and humans!) could find they’re not able to adapt to their changing climate.
What is the the greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect is a warming of the earth's surface and lower atmosphere caused by substances such as carbon dioxide and water vapour which let the sun’s energy go through to the ground but impede the passage of energy from the earth back into space.
A greenhouse is a house made of glass. It has glass walls and a glass roof. People grow tomatoes and flowers and other plants in them. A greenhouse stays warm inside, even during winter. Sunlight shines in and warms the plants and air inside. But the heat is trapped by the glass and can't escape. So during the daylight hours, it gets warmer and warmer inside a greenhouse, and stays pretty warm at night too.
How is Earth a greenhouse?
Earth's atmosphere does the same thing as the greenhouse. Gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide do what the roof of a greenhouse does. During the day, the Sun shines through the atmosphere. Earth's surface warms up in the sunlight. At night, Earth's surface cools, releasing the heat back into the air. But some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That's what keeps our Earth a warm and cosy 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit, on average (In summer that is.)
How to stop it
Drive Less or by Carpool.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Go Solar
Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances
Reduce Waste
Use Less Hot Water
Avoid Products With Lot of Packaging
Turn Off the Lights
Turn off Electronic Devices
Plant a Tree
Use Clean Fuel
Look for Renewable Fuel Options
Save Energy
I hope you learned a thing or two about global warming and why we should stop it.
Friday, 10 August 2018
self portrait/ acrostic poem
They both took me around 2-3 weeks to make. If you can't see the poem here is what it says ( also the picture)
M is for marvelous.
A is for active.
T is for terrific.
T is for tall.
H is for hard working.
E is for early bird
W is for wonderful
So that is me and my self portrait hope you like. :D
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Tabloid Sports
On St Joseph's Day at our school we went around the school playing games. It was very fun. I could name some games we played. They were Wax Museum, Sharks and Lifeguards, Stuck in the Mud and Obstacle Course. After all the games there was a sausage sizzle for FREE! I knew right, there were about 200 students in this school. I had so much fun and couldn't wait for next year.
Thanks for reading :D
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Why we need to eat healthy
Healthy eating is important to help us have a balanced diet.
We need to eat healthy so we can keep going throughout the day. Food gives us energy so that we can do stuff like school.
Not all the nutrients and other substances in our day to day foods contribute to good health. So eating a wide assortment of foods helps ensure that you get all of the disease-fighting potential that foods offer.
Carbohydrates are stuff like bread,rice and potatoes these foods give us a lot of energy
Fruit and vegetables gives us vitamins and minerals to stay healthy you should eat at least 5 fruit and vegetables a day.
Dairy foods like milk and cheese gives us protein and calcium to make our bones strong
Oil and spreads we need some of these each week not all week but once or twice week.
The average human should have 8 cups of water a day and at least 1 hour of fitness a day.
We need to eat healthy so we can keep going throughout the day. Food gives us energy so that we can do stuff like school.
Not all the nutrients and other substances in our day to day foods contribute to good health. So eating a wide assortment of foods helps ensure that you get all of the disease-fighting potential that foods offer.
Carbohydrates are stuff like bread,rice and potatoes these foods give us a lot of energy
Fruit and vegetables gives us vitamins and minerals to stay healthy you should eat at least 5 fruit and vegetables a day.
Dairy foods like milk and cheese gives us protein and calcium to make our bones strong
Oil and spreads we need some of these each week not all week but once or twice week.
The average human should have 8 cups of water a day and at least 1 hour of fitness a day.
Making a Poi
Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning a poi dance for the school production, a sort of play. The song we are doing poi to is ‘Poi E’ the boys did not get to make the pois but this is the poi I got made for me.
This is how you make a poi
You need…..
White red and black string
A plastic bag
1. You need to brade the White red and black string ( leav about 5 cm of string left
2. Get a ball of cotton and wrap around the cotton ball and tie
3.Wrap the bag around the poi
4. Sellotape The bit were the bag meets string
5. Cut of lose plastic of
And now you have a poi that should look somewhat like the one photographed above.
This is how you make a poi
You need…..
White red and black string
A plastic bag
1. You need to brade the White red and black string ( leav about 5 cm of string left
2. Get a ball of cotton and wrap around the cotton ball and tie
3.Wrap the bag around the poi
4. Sellotape The bit were the bag meets string
5. Cut of lose plastic of
And now you have a poi that should look somewhat like the one photographed above.
Friday, 18 May 2018
R.E poster
This is a photo of the R.E poster ( Fire is a symbol of the Holy Spirit ) we have done in the past week. I did it with a classmate named Victor.
On the poster we drew the burning bush, disciples at Pentecost and a candle to show fire is one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
This Easter I woke up extra early to get the head start for Easter eggs but dad was up before me and stopped me in my tracks, “You need to wait for your sister.” he said. One hour later she was up. “3 2 1, go” shouted dad and the race was on. All together we found 21 eggs. We even found a bunny. Here is the picture.
It was cute but yummy. We got 5 marshmallow eggs each and 1 big egg each. My baby brother even found an egg by opening cupboards ( he is one year old). It was the best Easter ever.
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Life Jacket / Life Saving
The past couple of weeks we have been learning about how to keep safe in the water with life jackets. We have also learned different types of positions like the H.E.L.P
Position (H.E.L.P stands for heat, energy, lessening and position). We also learned the group huddle and the survival chain. It was lots of fun but very very very cold.
Thanks for taking your time to read this. :D
Position (H.E.L.P stands for heat, energy, lessening and position). We also learned the group huddle and the survival chain. It was lots of fun but very very very cold.
Thanks for taking your time to read this. :D
Floating Citadel
It was the moment they had been dreading. Chains had bound their citadel; link after link of brutal, cold steel.
As they poked their heads out of their windows, they drank in the view through eyes squinted against the icy, punishing wind. The world they knew appeared as insignificant specks, hundreds of metres below.
They had been banished. It was time to find a new home.
“TOM” shouted Jack, “They've got us.” “Wow!” shouted Tom who was unfortunately on the toilet at the time he came out with his bare bottom winking in the sun it was the moment they had both been dreading. “ They look like shells” “0r balls” sait Jack & Tom togher: ‘
What do we do?” “We’re already 3 miles up!” said a voice behind them. The boys turned around, “Granny!” shouted the boys flung in to her arms. “Hello, kids!” said granny. I took a picture.
As they poked their heads out of their windows, they drank in the view through eyes squinted against the icy, punishing wind. The world they knew appeared as insignificant specks, hundreds of metres below.
They had been banished. It was time to find a new home.
“TOM” shouted Jack, “They've got us.” “Wow!” shouted Tom who was unfortunately on the toilet at the time he came out with his bare bottom winking in the sun it was the moment they had both been dreading. “ They look like shells” “0r balls” sait Jack & Tom togher: ‘
What do we do?” “We’re already 3 miles up!” said a voice behind them. The boys turned around, “Granny!” shouted the boys flung in to her arms. “Hello, kids!” said granny. I took a picture.
Monday, 7 May 2018
My Mihimihi
Ko Kerry mountains toku maunga
Ko river Ilen toku awa
Ko Rowing boat toku waka
Ko Sandringham toku iwi
Ko river Ilen toku awa
Ko Rowing boat toku waka
Ko Sandringham toku iwi
Ko Ireland toku mriea
No Auckland ahau
Kei Auckland touk kainga
Ko Good Shepherd toku kura
Ko Blanch toku whanau
Ko Mike toku matua
Ko Caramel toku whiwa
Ko Matthew toku ingoa
No Auckland ahau
Kei Auckland touk kainga
Ko Good Shepherd toku kura
Ko Blanch toku whanau
Ko Mike toku matua
Ko Caramel toku whiwa
Ko Matthew toku ingoa
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Going To Ireland
In 2016 I went to Ireland with my family. We were so excited to see the family again.
To get to Ireland you had to go on 3 planes! So that can take a couple of days. After we got to Ireland my uncle and his kids picked us up from the airport. After we got to their house we went to our granny and grandad’s house (which was 1 min away). After the family reunion the adults had tea and coffee and the kids had cake and milk. After that we went back to my uncle's house for a play with my cousins and talked about my trip from NZ to Ireland (took me about an hour to tell the them).
Fast forward a week or 2, mum said that we were going to a wedding in Dublin 3 hours away from were we were staying. 1 week later we were ready for the trip I went with my cousins while my mum and dad went with my sister. We arrived a day before mum and dad so we went to Dublin Zoo. It was so cool, I can not tell you what I saw as it was all so exciting that I can’t remember.
3 days later I woke up on the day of the wedding wondering if it was going to be as planned which I hoped so. The wedding was at night so when we got to the to the church we got to our positions and the wedding started. After it was over we went to the hall for the feast and I got to go on the stage and play on a blow up air guitar. I can not remember what happened, but it was very fun.
Days later we left Ireland. It was so much fun and I hope we go there again soon.
To get to Ireland you had to go on 3 planes! So that can take a couple of days. After we got to Ireland my uncle and his kids picked us up from the airport. After we got to their house we went to our granny and grandad’s house (which was 1 min away). After the family reunion the adults had tea and coffee and the kids had cake and milk. After that we went back to my uncle's house for a play with my cousins and talked about my trip from NZ to Ireland (took me about an hour to tell the them).
Fast forward a week or 2, mum said that we were going to a wedding in Dublin 3 hours away from were we were staying. 1 week later we were ready for the trip I went with my cousins while my mum and dad went with my sister. We arrived a day before mum and dad so we went to Dublin Zoo. It was so cool, I can not tell you what I saw as it was all so exciting that I can’t remember.
3 days later I woke up on the day of the wedding wondering if it was going to be as planned which I hoped so. The wedding was at night so when we got to the to the church we got to our positions and the wedding started. After it was over we went to the hall for the feast and I got to go on the stage and play on a blow up air guitar. I can not remember what happened, but it was very fun.
Days later we left Ireland. It was so much fun and I hope we go there again soon.
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