Thursday, 23 May 2019

growth mindset brain

This is the growth mindset brain we did to represent why growth mindset is important. So we each got a little bit of paper to decorate and write something in. The one I did is at the very top right. It was averagely fun.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Kids Lit Quiz

Yeterday me and some other kids from my school went to the Kids Lit Quiz 2019.

The Kids' Lit Quiz is an annual literature competition, in which teams of four students, aged 10 to 13, work together to answer wide-ranging literacy questions.

Out team did not win but we didn't come last ether, my team came… second to last. But yayyyyy, It was fun! 

A book fell on my head the other day . . . I can only blame my shelf!

Friday, 17 May 2019

Anzac uniform

This is the pamphlet liam and I did about the WW1 army uniform. It was out of the same box were we got the empire badge (previous slide) from. This is what we found out.