Tuesday, 19 February 2019

first week back to school

This is the first week back to school "yay" (sarcastic). So this week we have done some new year’s stuff.We did some other activities like introducing ourselves to our teacher, our RE title page and a puzzle piece with our name on them.

So far this has been a great year.

Year 6 Camp

2019 Year 6 camp at MERC

This year all of the year 6’s (that includes me) went to camp at MERC Long Bay. I had the time of my life. My favourite activities were archery, mountain biking, giant paddle boarding and abseiling.

Camp was very fun. The best time I have had all year besides the beds. The beds were terrible.

Monday, 18 February 2019


Ko Ōwairaka Tōku maunga

Ko te-mona -nui a kiwa tōku moana/awa/roto

Ko Ireland tōku iwi

Nō Tamaki-makaurau ahau

Ko Te Hepara Pai tōku kura

Ko carmel tōku mama

Ko Mike tōku papa

Ko Matthew tōku